
With So Many Trainers, How Do I Know What to Do?

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May 15, 2013

Dear Barb:

I feel like there are so many trainers out there, and after attending two conferences in the last year, my people are confused on what ideas they should implement. We attend all the free teleconferences or webinars offered, read three trade publications, have internal training, and I send my team to at least two conferences.

How do you know who has the better methods or techniques when trainers, in essence, disagree with each other? It confuses my sales team, and I’m wondering if I’m not providing too much training if that is possible. I mandate that each of my employees reads a sales book each quarter. Some of the ideas they come back with, I would never implement in my company. How do I get the greatest ROI on the money I’m spending on training?

Ron H.

Dallas, TX

Dear Ron:

When I first entered this profession, I felt the same confusion and there weren’t near as many trainers as you have today in our profession. It has been proven by the Department of Education and great sales organizations that you must create and implement a consistent successful repeatable sales process.

Each person in your company needs to follow and master this repeatable process in order for you to obtain the greatest return of investment on your training dollars. Listen to the training provided by various trainers and align yourself with one or two who are on the same page as you.

What is important is that you as the owner are not providing all the training for your team. Even if you enjoy training, almost always it is not best use of your time as a business owner. When you attend conferences, challenge your team to come back with three new ideas they want to implement. Have them share ideas and make sure you agree with the strategy before they begin to add this to the way they work their desk. Track and monitor progress so you can roll this idea out company-wide if it provides great results. Remember, what you don’t measure doesn’t count.

We would be glad to provide you with a one-on-one demo of our web based program the Top Producer Tutor that has educated over 28,000 recruiters worldwide with outstanding results. Just send an email to and put DEMO in the subject line.

Whether you choose our program or someone else’s, just make sure that the core values and strategies taught align with the vision you have for your business.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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