Jason Dupree
Jason Dupree has more than 10 years of Technical Recruiting experience both in corporate recruiting and the staffing industry. He has recruited for companies such as GoDaddy.com, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Calence LLC, TRW Space and Electronics, NCS Pearson, and RHI Consulting. Jason has also recruited across the country, having lived in Phoenix, Los Angeles,and Washington, D,C. He has recruited everything from manual labor and administrative positions to Molecular Beam Epitaxy Engineers. Jason has also lead recruiting teams at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Calence LLC, and TRW. He has been instrumental in implementing multiple recruiting strategies such as referral programs, direct mail, and online career fairs and has successfully implemented Applicant Tracking Systems at NCS Pearson, GoDaddy.com and Calence LLC. Jason is currently a Sr. Technical Recruiter with ProNet Solutions in Phoenix and he is serving his second term as president of The Arizona Professional Recruiters Association.
1 article by Jason Dupree