
Balancing Multiple Reqs With Multiple Hiring Managers

Feb 10, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-01-27 at 9.30.48 AMIf you work in an organization as large as mine, you are probably used to carrying a heavy requisition load. It is the awesome and busy world of corporate recruiting. If you are even luckier to recruit for those jobs that require little to no barrier to entry, you are more than likely tasked with having to deal with not only multiple reqs to fill, but also a plethora of busy hiring managers.

Filling the jobs is the easy part; it is balancing multiple reqs with multiple hiring managers that can be the challenge.

Below you will find some helpful tips on how to make it all happen without losing your mind in the process.

Get Organized

First things first — get organized!

Plan your ideal week. Once a week, decide which days you will interview and manage your calendar appropriately. Take advantage of the tools you have available to you (interview scheduling tools, calendars, tickler files, data management systems, etc.).The biggest challenge I see my recruiters face is death by call and e-mail. Don’t be afraid to simply turn it all off for a few hours a few times a day. You will be surprised at how much you can get done without any interruptions.


Secondly, create weekly status reports that include information on each position like what is happening with each req, where candidates are at in the process, offers pending, etc.  This may feel like a burden in the beginning, but the time and effort you put in to creating a standard report will pay off in the long run. Your managers will eventually learn when to expect your weekly reports. In turn they will think twice before reaching out to you for a position update.

Get out of the office! Plan dates to sit on site with your hiring leaders. This gives them the opportunity to  see what you do and enables you to become an expert in their business. Your clients will appreciate this effort more than you know.

Blitz It

Use the blitz model whenever possible. A blitz is where you bring recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates together in one setting and combine recruiting efforts (think one-stop shop for candidates).  This is a great way to get multiple hiring managers on site and to fill multiple positions in one setting. This is my favorite approach because you are not only able to fill jobs quickly but you are able to network and communicate with multiple hiring managers at the same time on the same day.  It is the most effective way to use your time and it creates a fun and innovative environment. Try bringing together multiple hiring leaders who have the same or similar positions. It also helps to create a fast and timely candidate experience.

Set these three key items in place and monitor your success over the next 30 days. You will find it easier to manage multiple reqs and multiple hiring managers.

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